
Sl No. Name Designation Email Address Phone
1) Shri P. Subramanyam Principle CCF & HoFF pccfnsecy-arn[at]nic[dot]in N/A
2) Shri Ngilyang Tam PCCF (WL & BD) & CWLW cwlwarunachal[at]gmail[dot]com N/A
3) Shri S. S. Kandpal APCCF (P&D, Conservation) & NO (FCA) N/A N/A
4) Shri D. Dalai Chief Executive Officer, State Authority CAMPA ccfnodalar[at]gmail[dot]com N/A
5) Shri S. Changkija CCF (RE) N/A N/A
6) Shri Millo Tasser CF (P&D) & Conservator of Forests (CF, HQ) cfhqitanagar2012[at]gmail[dot]com N/A
7) Shri S. Changkija CCF (Env. & CC) ccfenvccarn[at]gmail[dot]com N/A
8) Shri Damodhar A.T. CF (WL & BD) N/A N/A
9) Shri Arup Kumar Deka CF (GIS & IT) arup[dot]krdeka379[at]ifs[dot]nic[dot]in N/A
10) Shri Bijoy Pradhan DCF (Protection) N/A N/A
11) Not yet decided DCF (Planning) N/A N/A
12) Shri Ankit Kumar Laroiya Deputy Chief Executive Officer, State Authority CAMPA N/A N/A
13) Shri Bijoy Pradhan DCF (Cons.) dcfpradhan[at]gmail[dot]com N/A
14) Shri D. Dohu Robin Director Environment & Climate Change dir[dot]envt[at]gmail[dot]com N/A
15) Smt. Mary Rina Accounts Officer finacct-arn[at]nic[dot]in N/A
Sl No. Name Designation Email Address Phone
1) Shri T. Riba Chief Conservator of Forests (CCF WAC) Banderdewa ccfwac[at]gmail[dot]com 0360-2266223
2) Shri Aduk Paron Divisional Forest Officer (DFO), Khellong dfobhalukpong[at]gmail[dot]com 03782-234478
3) Shri Chukhu Loma Divisional Forest Officer (DFO), Bomdila forestbomdila[at]gmail[dot]com 03782-222173
4) Shri T.T. Toppu Divisional Forest Officer (DFO), Banderdewa dfobanderdewa2020[at]gmail[dot]com 0360-2266362
5) Shri Abhinav Kumar Divisional Forest Officer (DFO), Seppa dfoseppa[at]arn[dot]gov[dot]in 03787-222206
6) Shri Piyush Ashok Gaikwad Divisional Forest Officer (DFO), Tawang dfotawang[at]gmail[dot]com 03794-222011
7) Shri Nani Sha Divisional Forest Officer (DFO), Hapoli dfoziro[at]gmail[dot]com 03788-224277
8) Shri Tabom Soki Divisional Forest Officer (DFO), Shergaon forestshergaon[at]gmail[dot]com 03782-232249
9) Shri Kalung Bida Divisional Forest Officer (DFO), Sagalee dfosagalee[at]gmail[dot]com N/A
10) Shri Doge Bassar Divisional Forest Officer (DFO), Kurung Kumey dfokurungkumey[at]gmail[dot]com N/A
11) Shri Tailang Pali Divisional Forest Officer (DFO), Kra Daadi N/A N/A
Sl No. Name Designation Email Address Phone
1) Shri P. Ringu Chief Conservator of Forests (CCF CAC), Pasighat ccfcac33[at]gmai[dot]com 03668-2222329
2) Shri Boken Pao Divisional Forest Officer (DFO), Daporijo dfodaporijo7[at]gmail[dot]com 03792-223285
3) Shri A. Boli Divisional Forest Officer (DFO), Yingkiong dfoyingkiong[at]gmail[dot]com 03777-222256
4) Shri G. Padu Divisional Forest Officer (DFO), Along dfoaalofd[at]gmail[dot]com 03783-222229
5) Shri B. Taba Divisional Forest Officer (DFO), Likabali dfolkb2014[at]gmail[dot]com N/A
6) Shri H. Moda Divisional Forest Officer (DFO), Pasighat dfopasighat[at]gmail[dot]com 0368-2224698
Sl No. Name Designation Email Address Phone
1) Shri C. Simai Chief Conservator of Forests (CCF SAC), Deomali ccfsacdeomali[at]gmail[dot]com 03786-2552709
2) Shri R. Socia Divisional Forest Officer (DFO), Changlang btbabsthnk7[at]gmail[dot]com 03808-222767
3) Shri D. Lendo Divisional Forest Officer (DFO), Nampong dfojairampur[at]gmail[dot]com 03800-222248
4) Shri P. Tangha Divisional Forest Officer (DFO), Khonsa dfokhonsa2020[at]gmail[dot]com 03786-222356
5) Ajeb Jerang Divisional Forest Officer (DFO), Longding dfolongding[at]gmail[dot]com 03786-274241
6) Shri Millo Tamang Divisional Forest Officer (DFO), Deomali dml[dot]forestdivision[at]gmail[dot]com N/A
Sl No. Name Designation Email Address Phone
1) Shri T. Johri Chief Conservator of Forests (CCF EAC), Tezu easternccf[at]gmail[dot]com 03804-222214
2) Shri S. Manyu Director APFTI, Roing dir[dot]apfti[at]gmail[dot]com 03803-222468
3) Shri T. Pertin Divisional Forest Officer (DFO), Lohit lohitforest[at]gmail[dot]com 03804-222258
4) Shri H. Tana Divisional Forest Officer (DFO), Dibang dfodibangforest[at]gmail[dot]com 03803-222249
5) Shri T. Rime Divisional Forest Officer (DFO), Anini dfoanini[at]gmail[dot]com 03801-222218
6) Shri T. Mibang Divisional Forest Officer (DFO), Anjaw dfoanjaw17[at]gmail[dot]com 03804-223833
7) Shri T. Jamoh Divisional Forest Officer (DFO), Namsai nfdnamsa[at]outlook[dot]com 03806-262223
Sl No. Name Designation Email Address Phone
1) Shri V. K. Jawal Conservation of Forests, FD(PT), Namdapha, Miao fdnamdapha[at]gmail[dot]com 03807-222249
2) Shri Satya Prakash Singh Divisional Forest Officer (DFO), Pakke WildLife Sanctuary (WLS) dfopakke[at]gmail[dot]com 03778-200016
3) Miss K. Ete Divisional Forest Officer (DFO) Daying Ering WildLife Sanctuary N/A N/A
4) Shri Bittem Darang Divisional Forest Officer (DFO), Mouling WildLife Sanctuary, Jengging N/A N/A
5) Shri Hiba Taji Deputy Chief WildLife Warden (Dy CWLW), Naharlagun N/A N/A
6) Shri Jumdo Gyeyi Divisional Forest Officer (DFO), Kamlang WildLife Sanctaury (WLS) dfokamlang[at]gmail[dot]com 03807-222222
7) Shri Mori Riba Divisional Forest Officer (DFO), Mehao WildLife Sanctuary (WLS) dfomws[at]gmail[dot]com 03803-222408
8) Shri Subu Hania Director Biological Park, Itanagar zoodirector2019[at]rediffmail[dot]com N/A
Sl No. Name Designation Email Address Phone
1) Shri H. B. Abo Conservator of Forests (CF) Northern Working plan (NWP), Chimpu N/A 0360-2203314
2) Shri S. Manyu Conservator of Forests (CF) Eastern Working plan (EWP), Namsai cfewpn[at]gmail[dot]com 03806-262259
3) Shri A. Sitek Divisional Forest Officer (DFO), Southern Resource Survey (SRS), Deomali dfosrsdml180[at]gmail[dot]com 03786-255220
4) Shri Sange Tsering Divisional Forest Officer (DFO), Northern Resource Survey (NRS), Kamengbari N/A N/A
Sl No. Name Designation Email Address Phone
1) Shri Ankit Kumar Divisional Forest Officer (DFO), Silviculture dfosilviculture[at]gmail[dot]com 0360-223504
2) Shri T. T. Topu Divisional Forest Officer (DFO), Social Forestry Itanagar dfosfdivison[at]gmail[dot]com 0360-2216397